Service Level Agreement

This service level agreement between Criminal Records Services Ltd (CRS) and Yourselves sets out the expectations and responsibilities of each party.

Criminal Records Services

CRS will act as the DBS umbrella organisation on behalf of Yourselves upon request of an Enhanced, Standard or Basic disclosure check for their staff and will work to the DBS code of practice at all times.

CRS will supply all application forms or provide an account to login into the online application channel to Yourselves with support and guidance notes to assist the applicant in completion. When CRS receives the returned completed forms and online applications with the appropriate fee they will check and forward to the DBS agency for the disclosure check to be completed.

On completion of the online application, CRS will email the nominated person of Yourselves to inform you of an online result in your individual account.

CRS takes no part in the final recruitment decision.

The handling and storage of disclosure information must be in accordance with the DBS Code of Practice and Yourselves policy on storage and retention of disclosure information, CRS will provide guidance and support on the DBS code of practice its policies and procedures and liaise with the DBS on their behalf.

CRS will provide a copy of the DBS Code of Practice and draft copies of the following policies, that can also be viewed in the Policies and Guides section on our homepage, if required.

The recruitment of ex-offenders 

The Secure Storage, Handling, Use, Retention and Disposal of Disclosures and Disclosure Information

CRS provides a copy of its Terms & Conditions


Yourselves agrees to seek signed consent from the applicant that the DBS check can be conducted online or via paper application.

Yourselves agrees to work to the DBS code of practice and to support CRS in its role as umbrella organisation on its behalf. It agrees to nominate up to two senior personnel as appointed staff to be responsible for the DBS code of practice. The appointed staff member(s) will be responsible for liaising with CRS and the applicant who is applying for the disclosure check and for verifying their identity and identification evidence required.

Yourselves will make and be responsible for all recruitment decisions and ensures that all applications for DBS disclosures are appropriate and in accordance with the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and Exemptions Act 1975.

Yourselves accepts Criminal Records Services Terms & Conditions and agrees to pay CRS the administration and disclosure fee with the application form by cheque or B.A.C.S.

Yourselves accepts that by submitting an application you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions.

Criminal Records Services Ltd

Appointed Person

Signed             …………………………………….

Name               …………………………………….

Position           …………………………………….

Date                …………………………………….


Appointed Person(s)

Signed             …………………………………  Signed…………………………………..

Name               …………………………………   Name……………………………………

Position           …………………………………   Position…………………………………

Date                …………………………………    Date……………………………………..